Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day One of My New Treatment...Chemotherapy

It's been a long day. We arrived at MDA at 9:00 a.m. and didn't get a room until 12:30p.m. Sham & I sat in the lobby for a while sitting and talking. We even met a nice lady from Hillister, Texas...imagine that. Hillister is a little town near Jasper for those of you that don't know. She was there battling lung cancer and has been for six years. Also she mentioned she has had two other cancers and that she has been getting treated for cancer since 2003. Yikes...and we think we have it bad at times.

I had a very good and thorough nurse today. Her name was Jodi and she was awesome. When she stuck my veins I didn't feel a pinch. Yay! She took her time at everything and explained everything to the T.

My meds were administered in a time frame of 3 hours. The Pertuzamab which lasted about an hour was tolerated well. Then I was given a 15 min dose of Steroids to help counter act any reactions with the Taxotere (Taxol). Then I received a dose of Herceptin which I've been since beginning treatments for 30 minutes, then came the Taxotere. This is the one I had to fight through. I had minor reactions with this one, but nothing that I had to call in extra meds for. I was feeling a littly itch for a few minutes and at one point my throat was feeling like it wanted to close. Got through that fine and then my final dose was Zometa, which I've been taking all alone. It was for 15 minutes. In between all this I made about ten trips to the restroom, because I drank plenty of juice and water before I arrived.

My first day of Chemo was not so bad after all. I'm praying the days ahead are much of the same. I just finished a delicious organic salad and a discussion with my kids about my day. They have so many questions...and I answer all of them. So Assata just told me "it's time to go rest now mommy" so I'm on my way to a warm shower and then to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Next time, ask for the benadryl before they administer Taxol - to the reaction. I didn't have any reaction to the Taxol. Everyone is so different. So glad everything went well. :-)
