Sunday, October 28, 2012

A New Phase While On The Journey

The day is October 15, 2012 and I'm waiting patiently for Dr. Ibrahim to come in to see me and reveal the results of all my test taken the day before. He comes in and examines me and casually tells me that my cancer has spread to my liver. There are two small lesions on my liver. Not what I wanted to hear! I think I shed one tear maybe while Sham sat in the background with her tablet writing down every word he said. So it's time to change up things and get ready for a new treatment that's suppose to make me feel very bad. My new meds are a concoction of Taxol, Pertuzamub, continuing Herceptin & Zometa. It's my new "state of the art" plan as Dr. Ibrahim describes it and it takes about two hours to administer and I will go every three weeks. They scheduled me in four days for this treatment. I get home and realize all this stuff I have to do so I called them to change it to the 30th of October. So on tomorrow I will be taking chemo. I will try to update you all on how I feel each day.

After tonight I'm ready for the fight. Tonight A prayer conference call was held in my honor, so for now at this moment I'm all prayed up. It was so uplifting to hear all the voices on the line. The feeling was great! It was so very touching to be able to sit and listen alone with my husband and the kids to my brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, nieces, nephews & friends praying, singing & encouraging me and my family. All of this was done in the name of love and I felt it. I couldn't help but shed a few tears throughout the whole thing. So I am going to bed right now with a smile on my face and a good feeling in my heart.
Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. It's true that you can "feel" the prayers of others...even if you don't hear them praying. Love to you, Sis! ~Karen
