Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's Summertime!

Summer is most definitely here! The kids are out of school and it is so hot! We got some rain last week and would love to have more. Our AC is for sure burining a lot of energy. The month of June has come and gone. I celebrated my 46th birthday. I did so by ordering in Jamaican food from my favorite restaurant "Little Jamaica." The curry chicken was excellent! My children sang to me and Janee' made me a birthday cake. It was just nice being at home with my family. It was another blessed day! Birthday's has always meant a lot to me. I love to celebrate birthdays. Every since I can remember, every year on my birthday, when I wake up, the first thing I do is thank God for allowing me to live to see another year. Since I was diagnosed with BC, each day means a lot to me. I see things quite different than I did before. My whole life has a new meaning and I have a whole new outlook on life knowing for sure who's in control. Having said that, I've had a couple of treatments this month and I had my 3 month follow visit with the doctor and I was so happy to get the news that my tumor marker is still on the downward trend. So I know prayers are working for me. He did say that my thyroid was a little off whatever that means. So I will have to see an endocrinologist soon. Hopefully it's something that's easily fixed. But, before I see the E dr. I will for sure work on the problem and hopefully the problem will be corrected when I go for an exam. Guess I better look in my juice book to see what I need to be juicing for thyroid problems.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. Each year, and each day even, has a whole new meaning. God is so good!! I praise him for your tumor markers and will continue to lift you up in prayer. May your 47th year be extra special.
