Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Year Has Come and Gone

It's been a while since I've been here. I'm always thinking of things to write, but never stop to do it. It's around 12:29 a.m. and everyone is in bed and I'm up listening the clock tick. It's so quiet and peaceful right now.

Well, it seems like yesterday when I received the phone call about my diagnosis, but it was actually a little over a year ago. It was last March to be exact. Thanks for your prayers and support during this first year.

The last time I updated you on the spasms I was having. Well, the spasms are not happening anymore. They just sort of disappeared after I had the visit with the neurologist. Who know's, maybe all that shocking she did triggered my nerves to function right. You know there is something to reflexology and accupuncture. But, really, I may have had one spasm since I last updated. I am so happy, because they were working my nerves. My last update with the doctor in March was good. My tumor marker was down from 197 to 143. But he did mention they changed tumor marker machines in between my visits. I'm going with the results for sure though. I figure these meds I'm on has to be working. These hot flashes are nothing nice. I've also noticed some weight gain everytime I go for my treatments. With these new meds everything I read say there may be weight gain. I guess it's okay to blame it on that. No... for real though, I really need to get moving again. One of the meds (femara...oops I almost forgot to take it tonight) I'm on, makes me pretty stiff in the hips if I sit too long. I move like I'm up in age when I get up from sitting. I read where exercising helps that. Oh and that's one of the meds that puts the weight on too. :o).
Other than that, I'm feeling good, still baking and trying to stay focused on the positive things in life. The children are keeping me busy. I can't believe Janee' is almost finished with her first year in college. She has done well. I am so proud of her. I forgot to tell some of you that Asa was chosen, most intelligent by her teachers and peers at her school. So proud of her too! It's hard to believe she is moving on to high school next year. Alafia & Assata never seems to amaze me with their actions. They are too much. I'm so glad they have each other :o). They are busy trying to find their way. Assata is into art and Alafia is into sports. He and Asa are on the neighborhood swim team so our busy summer is about to begin. Fred is finishing up baseball and heading right into football training. Yes, he will be a Senior next year. Yes, soon we will have two in college....OMGeeee! Thank goodness for their dad...he helps keep them all in check. I'm saying goodnite. My eyelids are getting a bit heavy. So until next time...

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