Monday, July 5, 2010

No Traffic Jams

My husband and I had a pleasant ride to the medical center this morning. No traffic jams or nothing...thank goodness for holidays! I had an appointment for an ultrasound at 8:00 a.m. and I was out of there by 9:40...another reason to be thankful for holidays. As soon as I signed in and sat down, they called my name. I didn't even get a chance to warm my seat good. I brought books, my journal and magazines to read while I wait, but didn't get a chance to get a glance at them. The doctor only scheduled a view of the right breast and the lymph nodes. They will compare it to the one they did in March. I tried to get results out of the radiologist at the time she was probing, but she was too busy telling me about her vacation to Disney World. Once I get them, I will let you know.

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