Monday, July 8, 2013


Hi family and friends. Yes, it has been a while since I dropped in to post something along my journey. A lot has happened since I was here last. I have lost a few toenails along the that took me by surprise. I actually cried when I looked down at my feet and they were missing in action. My acne and skin rashes are much better. The acne is leaving some not so cute marks. I will have to find me some kind of scar cream to cover those spots. I was blessed to see my 48th birthday on June 10th. And I am on a new chemo drug. My doctor recommended a new one because the other one stopped working so it was time for a change. I am now on a drug called Kadcyla (TDM1). So far it is working well. The side effects doesn't seem to be as harsh as the drug that I was on before. I seem to be tolerating this one fairly well. I do tend to run a low grade temperature along with some fatigue around the third day after I have received chemotherapy. I can see a little hair growing and my taste buds are much better. Don't know how good that is because I tend to eat a little more. My fingernails are looking better and my markers are back on the downward again. Praying this time I hit the remission mark.

It's summertime, it's hot and the kids are home in full force. Continued thanks to those of you who help by bringing food and goodies by to us. It sure does help out a lot. Fred is in Austin going to summer school and playing baseball with a summer league. Janee' is in summer school for both summer sessions. Asa just signed up for driver's ed. and she is also gearing up to teach swimming lessons to a couple of our church members children. Alafia, Assata and Ramsey are hanging out in the pool and playing video games. They need to get busy doing something else. Ramsey is our little extra six year old boy who loves to come spend time with us any chance he gets. He will be leaving us on the 15th of July. I think I want summer to slow down. I enjoy having the kids around. Fred is working with a few days off here and there.

Exercise is on my schedule. I really need to tone and I think that will help with the numbness in my feet and fingers.
The plan is to do water aerobics, walk and ride the bicycle once my husband air up the tires. Eating healthy is still on my list(sometimes I take a detour) but try to continue on path along with goal is to totally be off chemo once I hit the remission mark. Keep on praying for me. Love yall!

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