Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hi yall! Today is a great day! Thanks for praying for me.

This past Tuesday was a long day. Sham and I arrived at MDA at 11:00 for my 11:20 visit to see Dr. Ibrahim. They called us right on back, surprisingly not a long wait at all. Guess he was anxious to deliver my good report he had for me. First of all I have this awesome nurse name Kris. She's a sweetie and she always encourage me to bring along my good luck charm, my sister...Shamarion. Yes she has earned that title, LOL. tumor marker numbers were stable this time around still hanging around the 60's. The Dr said that's nothing to be alarmed about as long as the numbers don't shoot up by ten points. The CT scan came out really good. No new areas were seen and my liver is looking good also. They did see some healing of lesions on my sternum which is good to know. Who knows all the lesions on my bones may all be gone one day. Let's pray about that too. The echo-cardiogram looks normal which is a good thing. One of the meds Herceptin sometimes affects the heart. I have been on that since the beginning and so far my heart still looks normal and is functioning well. I have a couple of nails that act like they want to lift, but are hanging on. The nurse said they looked really good, but not to me. She said she has seen worse. My feet are cracky, my skin is just really dry these days and the cold weather is not helping either. Well when it was time for my chemo, we didn't get so lucky to get right in. The IV team was backed up and the beds were all full, so we had to wait for a while for a room. Oh, I almost magnesium was a little low, so Dr I put in orders to administer magnesium along with my chemo. Magnesium numbers should range from 1.8 to 2.6, mine was a little low hanging around 1.6. It was a 2 hour drip added to the already 3 hours of chemo and that took us to around 7 p.m. and we were home at around 8 p.m.
It's really weird how after my chemo I am in speed mode. It's the premed steroid that they give me before the chemo starts to help with side affects. Well yesterday I spent all day in the kitchen. For some reason I miss being in the kitchen. I miss chopping and stirring and whipping up stuff. So when I'm feeling like it, I go for it. So yesterday I whipped up this mexican dip with refried beans, avacados, sour cream, olives and cheese. I made enchiladas from a recipe I ran across in a magazine, I made my husband a pot of pinto beans and sausage which he has been wanting for a while. I baked cookies for the kids dessert. I didn't take a nap all day. I actually stayed up and finished my income taxes and before you know it, it was 2:30 in the morning. So I turned off the tv and the computer took a long 30 minute shower got in bed and I'm guessing I fell asleep around 3:30. Today the steroid affect is almost gone. I'm feeling a little sluggish and not much of an appetite. Assata is at home sick again today and I'm trying to stay upbeat for her to care for her. Hopefully she will feel better on tomorrow and she can head back to school.

Oh, almost forgot this bit of info...I did ask the question how much longer will I be on chemo. Well the answer I got was, "we will not put a number or time, just keep watching things as we go, it's important to keep the numbers from going up." The goal is for the numbers to be 35 or below. However, with my breast cancer being a Stage IV, I could always be on some type of medication for maintenance, being that it is labeled as a chronic disease. So let's pray that away too prayer warriors.
Thanks again and I will write to you soon. I will try to do better with updates. I know I'm a little slow.
Keep the prayers coming. Love yall!

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