Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tingling/Spasm Update

Hi everyone! Well I completed testing to find out why I was having tingling. A few weeks ago I saw a neurologist and she scheduled me for a series of testing. The first test I had was an office visit where they checked my reflexes and feelings on my hands, feet and legs. That all turned out fine. The second round of testing was nerve test. They shocked me along my left hand and arm with this lttle taser thing, to test for carpel tunnel syndrome. Well, that test came out fine. The doctor concluded that it seems to be nerve compression in my neck area along with arthritis after looking at CT scans. She just said I need to do some neck strengthening exercises, stretching and some yoga should help. Oh yea I almost forgot to tell ya that she scheduled me for this three hour glucose test that I was surprised with when I went in for treatments. Well, from reading my results online, that all seems to be negative. Since the visit I've had only one episode of tingling and spasms. She said it will get better. So we shall see. Keep on praying!

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