Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Update Time...Spring 2014

Today is May 6, 2014. The last time I updated my journey was on August 2013. Wow! Time travels so fast. Where does it go? Well really I have been dealing with hand and feet syndrome and so typing has really been a chore for me. This syndrome comes along with the chemotherapy I have been on (Xeloda and Ixempra). It's where your fingers are tender and sore to touch and so are your feet. They get all red and spongy in some spots, cracked and dry. Soft fluffy socks has been my friend lately and sometimes that's all I want to wear, even when I go places. Shoes are not very comfortable during those times. Along with that, I have also been dealing with neuropathy in the same areas. I recently started accupuncture to try to get some relief for that. I really can't tell if it's helping yet. I have only had four sessions and I will go for the fifth one tomorrow. Apparently you have to have several sessions before you can see results. Even though I have these complaints this particular chemotherapy has been keeping things stable. The last time I updated my journey I was just starting on these new drugs and they are keeping things in check. Even though they have their side effects, I am still grateful. Remember the progression on the liver I mentioned in the last post? Well it is stable and has been reduced in size. That was really good to hear.

April 3 was the last time I had a doctor's visit. March 31st were my last scans. They all came out well. My Numbers were not up or down and I didn't have any new issues. I was so happy to hear that news. So my doctor placed me on a chemo vacation for a while. First he took me off the chemo pills (Xeloda) for 3 weeks and reduced the time to take them from 2 weeks on and 1 week off to 1 week on and 1 week off. And he completely took me off the infusion (Ixempra) until I don't know when. We will see what the plan is when I see him in July. Yes I said July. I was doing so well he said not to come back for 3 months. So I will go in for more scans at the end of June and I will see him in July. Let's pray together that all will be well at that time.

I am truly enjoying the energy I have these days and enjoying my taste buds being back. Yes, and you can tell I'm enjoying eating I have even picked up a few pounds. It feels so good not to feel so bad. My hair is slowly growing back. I'm enjoying being able to do things and go places with the family. I do feel a bit out of shape though and trying to build my strength up by exercising. Thanks to mom who sent me her exercise bike. I try to ride it at least four times a week. With the weather being so beautiful I need to incorporate some outside walking...after I invest in some good walking shoes that don't hurt. I took my husband shoe shopping with me a few weeks ago. I bet I tried on ten pair of tennis shoes that evening. Have you ever see on TV where the shoe clerk is carrying a stack of shoe boxes for the customer to try on? Well that's the way my husband looked while helping me out. i had him weighted down with boxes and boxes. He was so patient. Needless to say I left the store without any shoes because none of them made my feet happy.

Thanks to all of you who continue to check on me, encourage me, send cards, flowers, food and most of all those that continue to pray for me. I have the best support system ever! And that's part of my healing and I have you all to thank for that.
I have a list of things I wanna do before summer is over, so if you try to contact me and I don't answer, I may be horseback riding, sailing, camping or maybe at an O'jays concert...LOL.

Love you much...until next time.