Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Trip To The Doctor

The pain lasted about a week. It was a Sunday night when it became so intense, that I had to sleep sitting up. The next morning I went to the doctor. He asked me all kinds of questions. One what really got me was that..."do you think someone hugged you too tight?" Because it seems like the pain may be in your rib cage. "No, I answered. He said, "maybe you pulled a muscle." The only thing I could think of was that I had been bringing in firewood pretty often, piling it all in the left arm and maybe that's why I was hurting. Maybe I had pulled a muscle doing that. Well, the doctor scheduled me for an x-ray and a mammogram. I was okay with the xray, but the mammo...NOT! I Always heard "horrow" (country girl slaang) stories about how they hurt and how uncomfortable they are. I was not excited about that. But needless to say I made the appointment anyway. Well, I get in the very same day for the xray. The doctor called the next morning and the xray turned out fine. He didn't see anything that was causing me any pain. Now this pain I was having...remember I said it was so intense on Sunday...well before I could leave the doctors office, I could barely feel the pain. It was very mild.

My mammo was scheduled a couple of days later. For you all that know me well, know that I don't have time to sit anywhere too long. It was bugging me that I had to take some time out to do this. You know I always have a zillion and one things on my plate. So when I made the appointment, the nurse said it would be no longer than a couple of hours. Great! I thought I would at least be gone by 11:00 because my appointment was at 9:00. I thought I will be in and out in know time. I was so nervous that day, not because of what they may find because I was just so sure they were not gonna find anything and I was just wasting my time being there. I was just nervous about the mammo itself. I was so terrified of them smashing my boobs too hard. Well, while I was in the waiting room for them to examine the pics they took during the mammo, I received a read "well, I'm in the lobby just in case you pass out!" I laughed with tears in my eyes. It was my angel, my sister Shamarion. She knew I was going that day even though I tried so hard not to tell her. I really didn't want her to know, number one because I knew she had so many other things she could have been doing, besides being there holding my hand and number two I didn't want her all in my business :o). But little does she know, I was so glad she came to be with me that day.

Well, what I thought was going to be a 2 hour visit turned into a three and half hour visit. The nurse came into the waiting room and told me she need to take pics all over again. Then I had to sit and wait again. After a while the nurse came back in and said they wanted to redo the ultrasound because they want to make sure of something. So off to the ultrasound room I went once again. Shamarion is still there waiting patiently on me to finish. The ultrasound was complete and it was confirmed that they found a mass in my right breast. Well, I'm thinking okay it's probably nothing. The nurse came in and said, that I needed to schedule a biopsy. The following Thursday I was in for my biopsy and yes, Shamarion was right there until I finished. That was a little nerve racking, but I got through that. We finish up there, I leave ice packed down and a sheet of instructions. Still thinking...nothings there. I go home and tell the kids because they are so anxiously waiting to here what's happening from the first doctors visit. So I explain to them what went on and that I'm waiting on the results from the biopsy. Still, I'm thinking nothing's there.